Pillow side gusset bags

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  • Pillow side gusset bags

    Pillow side gusset bags

    Coffee bags are an essential part of the packaging industry, especially for coffee producers who want to maintain the quality and freshness of their products. The choice between a four-side seal and an eight-side seal coffee bag depends on various factors, including the volume of coffee and the desired storage duration.

    When it comes to coffee bag materials, manufacturers typically use a multi-layer structure to ensure optimal quality. Polyester film (PET), polyethylene (PE), aluminum foil (AL), and nylon (NY) are commonly used materials in coffee bag production. Each material contributes to the bag’s ability to resist moisture, oxidation, and high temperatures, ensuring the coffee stays fresh for longer periods.

    Four-side sealed coffee bags are known for their simple structure. These bags are ideal for packaging smaller volumes of coffee that do not require long-term storage. They are commonly used for packaging coffee beans, powder, and other ground coffee varieties. With their straightforward design, these bags are easy to seal, ensuring the coffee remains secure and protected.